Raise good kids.
Save the U.S. Constitution
Inspire with Music.
I’m Tim Schmidt and my life mission is to:
Do you know this feeling?
You know the one… that feeling you get when you’re about to do something that scares the heck out of you.
And even though you’ve practiced and prepared for this moment, you’re still scared to death.
But it’s a GOOD scared.
The kind of scared that makes you feel ALIVE!
Well that is exactly how I felt on December 10th, 2021 @ 7:30 pm.
Let me take you back to that evening.
I had been sitting alone in the green room for well over an hour.
It was quiet, cold and lonely down there. Lot’s of time and silence for my thoughts of self-doubt to creep in. And when they did, I promptly kicked them out of my head.
You see, I was about to go on stage and perform in front of 300+ people. I was to play 10 songs which included two originals.
And I hadn’t played in front of a crowd in over 35 years.
Now don’t get me wrong, I had been practicing for this show for over three months and I felt as ready as I was ever going to be.
But the cold sweat slowly dripping down my back told a slightly different story.
I picked up my guitar for the umteenth time and began to reminisce about my early days as a musician.
I began to sing and play guitar when I was 17 years old. I quickly learned a few basic chords and then joined a high school rock & roll band as the lead singer and rhythm guitarist.
We played out a few times and even wrote some original songs. I loved every single second of this experience.
The band broke up when we all went off to college. I joined another band in college for about one year and then the demands of getting an engineering degree caused me to put my music ‘career’ on hold.
And it stayed on hold.
My music career sat on the back burner for 35 years.
But tonight, I was back!
I was no longer that 17 year old rock & roller. I was a husband and a father. I was a business and community leader in the town where I lived. I owned a local company that employed hundreds of people. Nobody knew me as a musician!
Well, THAT was about to change…
And then my in-ear monitor crackled to life and snapped me back to the present.
It was finally time.
It was time to leave that lonely green room and sing my heart out.
And I was scared. No, I was petrified!
But dang… I felt ALIVE!
I had been waiting and preparing for this moment for over three months. (or really 35 years!)
I walked up the steps that emerged from under the bowels of the 1930s Vaudeville stage. The depression era theater from my hometown had been renovated just a few years before… and it was now an amazing venue.
I stood at the top of the stairs with my guitar strapped on. I was at the very back corner of the stage.
It was hard to see the crowd because the lights were so bright. But I could hear the 300+ attendees as the emcee introduced me.
“Tim, what are you doing?” I said to myself.
“Why are you doing this?” I continued.
And then my pervasive and incessant thoughts were interrupted by, “Please welcome to the stage, Tim Schmidt!”
I slowly walked from the safety of the shadows into the spotlight at the front of the stage. There was a single microphone set up on a stand along with a ¼” plug for my guitar.
I plugged in my guitar.
It was a surreal moment…
I spoke into the Sure SM58 microphone. I said, “Hello, my name is Tim Schmidt, thank you for coming tonight.”
And then I grabbed a pick and the neck of my guitar and I began.
I began to play and sing.
I stood there on the stage. My fingers were playing the chords and strumming my guitar. My voice was singing the song… singing the lyrics. But I was 10 feet above all of what was going on. It felt like an out of body experience.
I strummed the last chord of that first song and the crowd ROARED!
It was one of the greatest feelings of my life.
I continued to play until my set was over. I thanked the crowd and slowly walked off stage.
I was on cloud nine!
As I walked back down the stairs to the green room, all I could think to myself was, “I cannot wait to do this again!”
And THAT was how I restarted my music career that had been sitting on hold since 1989.
Since that fateful night in 2021, I’ve made a handful of life moves that have turbo-charged my music career.
My wife and I bought a house in Nashville, TN. I started writing music again. I recorded my first five songs which you can hear on this site.
I have never felt more ALIVE in my life.
My music is about LIFE, LOVE, PAIN & JOY. My songs are meant to inspire you to be the best version of yourself.
I hope you like my music!
Wait, you are still reading. Thank you!!
Here’s a little more about my story…
There but for the grace of God go I.
This sentence perfectly describes me and my life. I have experienced success and I have experienced failure. I have been an amazing husband and father and I have been a miserable husband and father. I can be generous, uplifting and kind. I can also be selfish, impatient and disagreeable.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Because I am just like you! I am a decidedly flawed person trying my best to make the world a better place with the gifts that God has given me. Sometimes I do it well and sometimes I mess things up quite impressively.
I am convinced that I was put on this earth for a few very specific reasons. The first is to raise good kids. The second is to save the U.S. Constitution. The third is to inspire and entertain my fellow Americans who love God, Family & Country!
This is a photo of me performing at that fateful concert back in 2021. Performing in front of like-minded people is a passion of mine that I had put on the back burner for 35 years. I feel SO blessed to be doing this now.
I already told you the ‘Music’ story. Now let’s talk about my other ‘MISSIONS’ in life.
I have three adult children and they are really good people. All three of them are kind, respectful and caring. They are hard workers and they are Christians! Sometimes I have to pinch myself because they turned out so well… especially considering that while I did the best I could, I made a LOT of mistakes as a father.
It’s hard not to compare your performance and success as a parent to your own parents. Well, I won the parent lottery. My parents were amazing. They were close to celebrating 50 years of marriage when my Dad died of ALS in 2017. Dang, what a crappy disease. But we don’t have to go into that now.
My parents weren’t perfect but I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I can only hope that my kids feel that same way about me.
Here I am with my 23 year old daughter, Dagny. We go on a father-daughter trip every year. This is a photo from us having a Sunday brunch after we went to church together.
This is a photo of my 21 year old son, Sten and me. Sten is about to start his third year at Texas A&M University. I was spending the weekend with Sten in College Station, TX when this picture was taken.
Here I am with my 26 year old son, Tim. He lives in Dallas Texas with his wife Alyssa. Tim and I recently took a father-son trip to Jackson, Wyoming. Lots of hiking and good father-son talks on this trip!
Here is my wife and life partner, Leah Schmidt and me. She is an amazing, kind-hearted person who is my biggest supporter and fan!”
When my first child was born, I went through something that I call a ‘Self-Defense Awakening’. What the heck is that, you may ask? Well, I can remember standing in that hospital room, holding that tiny little baby and thinking to myself, “Wow, I am completely unprepared to protect and defend this tiny little guy from danger!”
This ‘Self-Defense Awakening’ happened in 1998. I went down the deep rabbit hole of figuring out what it would take to be a responsible gun owner. I was a 28 year old, brand new father and I didn’t even own a gun for self-defense.
As you can imagine, during my time in the rabbit hole, I ran into all sorts of road blocks. Let’s just say that back in the year 2000, the firearms industry wasn’t very welcoming to new gun owners!
But I persevered and finally figured out what I needed to do to safely and confidently own and carry a gun to protect my family! And then I thought, “Hey, I bet there are lots of other people out there who’d be interested in learning more about how to be their family’s first line of defense.”
So, I started a magazine called, ‘Concealed Carry Magazine’. This publication quickly evolved into the United States Concealed Carry Association - the USCCA!
The USCCA now has close to one million members all across the country. The USCCA is run by a company called Delta Defense. Delta has close to 700 employees whose national headquarters is in West Bend, Wisconsin.
The mission of the USCCA is to prepare responsible American gun owners to avoid danger, save lives and keep their loved ones safe. Since I founded the company in 2003, we’ve saved over 211,767 American lives!
This is a photo of the national headquarters for USCCA and Delta Defense. This is where approx. 700 employees serve close to 1 million USCCA members.
Well, now you know a heck of a lot more about me than you did before you stumbled across this site.
Here are a few things I’m hoping for:
I hope you LOVE my music.
I hope my music inspires you to be the absolute BEST version of you!
I hope you’ll join the Tim Schmidt & the Gunslingers 100% Free Insiders Fan Club.
I hope you’ll share my music and this website with your family & friends.
Thank you again for spending time reading my story.
God Bless you and your family!
Tim Schmidt